Security is core to our values. If you’ve found a bug, we want to hear from you, and will reward you for your time.
We value the input of security researchers acting in good faith to help us maintain a high standard for the security and privacy for our customers. This includes encouraging responsible vulnerability research and disclosure.
This policy sets out our definition of good faith in the context of finding and reporting vulnerabilities, as well as what you can expect from us in return. If you believe you have identified a potential security vulnerability, please share it with us by following the submission guidelines below. Thank you in advance for your submission, we appreciate researchers assisting us in our security efforts.
Vartopia wants you to responsibly disclose vulnerabilities through our Bug Bounty Program. We don’t want researchers put in fear of legal consequences because of their good-faith attempts to detect bugs and vulnerabilities. We cannot bind any third party, so do not assume that this protection extends to any action against any third party, including those related to good faith security research. If in doubt, please contact us before engaging in any specific action you think might be outside of the scope of this policy.
Because both identifying and non-identifying information can put a researcher at risk, we limit the information we share with third parties.
We may provide non-identifying substantive information from your report to an affected third party, but only after notifying you and receiving a written binding commitment that the third party will not pursue legal action against you. We will only share identifying information (name, email address, phone number, etc) with a third party if you give your written permission to do so.
If your good faith security research as part of the Vartopia Bug Bounty Program violates certain restrictions in our website policies, the safe harbor terms permit a limited exemption.
This section makes sure that security researchers are safe from any prosecution when they act in good faith and comply with the rules of this Program.
All other sub-domains of
Vartopia reserves the right to not reward any submission if we so choose, and we will not provide compensation for time spent researching. Bounties are awarded only to the first unique report of a previously unidentified vulnerability. Subsequent reports will be closed as duplicates and not eligible for a bounty.
Vulnerability severity and reward amounts are determined at the discretion of Vartopia. Reward amounts and vulnerability severity classifications are subject to change at any time. Bounty payments are made via XTRM, which is currently our preferred method of payment, but we reserve the right to change the payment method at our sole discretion.
You can edit text on your website by double clicking on a text box on your website. Alternatively, when you select a text box a settings menu will appear. your website by double clicking on a text box on your website. Alternatively, when you select a text box When working with us according to this policy, you can expect us to:
Program Rules
General Exclusions
Questions regarding this policy may be sent to [email protected]. Vartopia encourages security researchers to contact us for clarification on any element of this policy.
Please contact us if you are unsure if a specific test method is inconsistent with or unaddressed by this policy before you begin testing.